Markus Bodeux
In 1891 again a mission of the
imperial German navy on the African west coast became
necessary. This mission was carried out by the deployed
at that time, S.M. Kreuzer HABICHT and S.M. Kanonenboot
The Abo-tribe in the moutharea of the Abo-river had
revolted and occupied and fortified the village of Miang.
Therefore the governor urged the oldest naval officer of
the west African station, commander von Dresky, captain
of S.M.S. HABICHT, to support the Schutztruppe of the
government under captain von Gravenreuth in the matter
of repeated conquest of Miang and the punishment of the
Abo-people. Commander von Dresky promised the demanded
support and formed two landing detachments.
The little gouvernment-steamboat SODEN was used to
supply the landing forces. The report of von Dresky to
the Reichsmarineamt gave a very interesting impression
about the realization of this project. It is remarkable
about this report that the awarded decorations
especially were given to those persons mentioned because
of their courage and bravery:
„.....the forces, chosen for
this operation consists of:
a) landingdetachment HABICHT
with the strength of two officers, four NCO´s, two
hoboists and 55 men,
b) landingdetachment HYÄNE with th strength of two
officers, 1 doctor, 4 NCO´s and 33 men
c) expedition of captain von Gravenreuth,
consisting of 3 negro-companies of 100 heads and 50
females to carry loads
d) 25 men, who were provide by the gouvernment.
I chose the
Lieutenant-Commander Krause of S.M. Kreuzer HABICHT to
be the leader of the united landingdetachments.
S.M. Kreuzer Habicht |
...........On sunday, 17th of
october all preparations were done, therefore on
sunday morning at 5 o´clock the ships could be boarded
without delay. The crews had been checked out by ships
doctors, the ones that had been frequently attacked by
fever were defered. The landingdetachments were
supplied for three, the crew of the steamer SODEN for
six days with water and provisions.
Every man had a complete second suit and a pair of
canvas gaiters. Woolen blankets and rubberbases
completed the equipment...........
............through the storming of Miang and the
destruction of all of the cultural assets that
belonged to the Abo- and Bonakwasse-people the
expedition was completed.
On the 19th of october the landingdetachments, on
the 21st of october the acting Secondlieutenant Hopman
with the steamer SODEN and a negrocompany and on the
22nd of october S.M. vehicle NACHTIGAL with the rest
of the men of the expedition of von Gravenreuth
Through the reports of the
involved officers as well as the oral report of the
captain von Gravenreuth one can conclude, that the
capture of the very well fortified and through
superior weapons defended Miang hadn´t been a task
that was easy to solve. It is only due to the good
leadership and the extraordinary attitude of officers
and crew. The casualities of the enemy couldn´t be
determined because the enemy carried his dead and
wounded on his escape with him. News that later
reached Kamerun confirmed that the casualities were
quite big because at least 4 chieftains died and the
highest chieftain Pan died on fatal wounds. I was also
seen that a great amount of negros carried al lot of
bodies with them.
The own in relation to the enemy small casualities
are on the one side due to the very bad gunpowder and
the bad projectiles – most wounds were caused by
unregular formed metal pieces that were made by
smashed iron pots – on the other hand due to the
determined and brisk attack on the palisades.
I wont forget to tell your excellence that the
eagerness shown by Lieutenant-commander Krause from
HABICHT and Secondlieutenant Krüger from HYÄNE as well
as the personal courage which both of the officers
showed during the attack on Miang helped a great
amount to succeed in this project.
Acting Secondlieutenant Krüger standing in the
frontline operated himself for some time the Maxim-gun
and was together with captain von Gravenreuth one of
the first men in the pallisades. Lieutenant-commander
Krause was a great example for alll of his men since
he was the first to get over the pallisades.
Secondlieutenant Czech collapsed because of a
sunstroke and hod to be taken unconscious to the
steamer SODEN after he tried-supported by two men to
walk. Assistand-doctor 1st class Schacht of HYÄNE
cared inspite of the steep ways and unfortunatly
strong heat indefatigable for the wounded.
Not only the own officers but also captain von
Gravenreuth and his officers testified that the crews
of both ships showed eagerness, courage and
determination in every matter.
I especially want to mention the pettyofficers mate
Lack of HYÄNE. He tried to get captain von Gravenreuth
out of a wolftrap as he received two shots into his
upper leg. He still went further, received a shot into
his arm , left his gun behind, took the sidegun and
stormed further until he broke down because of being
hit again by a couple of shots infront of the
The seamen Starcke, Widmann and Rau of HYÄNE
distinguished themselves during the storming of the
palisades while the helmsmans mate Itgenhorst, masters
mate Fliege and buggler Noé especially showed
circumspection and cold-bloodeness. From the HABICHT
petty-officers mate Schwanz, privates Feick and
Thiemann, Krause and Werner especially distinguished
themselves through their brave and calm character.
Werner did that, while carrying the wounded.
Secondlieutenant Hopman fullfilled his less
appreciative but difficult task to maneuver the
steamer SODEN in the narrow track and to care those
many men and boats with circumspection, tenacity and
signed: von Dresky „
Rearadmiral von Dresky, at that time
captain S.M. Kreuzer HABICHT. He wears, beside the
for the battle of Miang awarded Red-Eagle-Order 4th
class with swords, the Red-Eagle-Order 3rd class
with sash and swords on the suspension
(AKO January, 16th 1898), the
officers long-service cross, the 1870/71 war medal
and the Centenary-medal. |
The especially because of their
bravery mentioned persons in the report of von Dresky as
well as von Dresky himself who was the only awarded who
didn't participate in the battle, were decorated by the
Kaiser with Prussian war decorations:
With the Highest Order of the
Cabinett of September, 5th 1892 the credit for war
service was set:
„.........the battle at
Miang (Kamerun) on October, 18th 1891 counts as
defined by law considering the pension and supply of
military persons of the army and navy of June, 27th
1871 as a campaign that gives the involved credit for
one year of war...............“
clasp KAMERUN 1891 for the
colonial-commemorative medal |
In the foundation document is
concerning the clasp KAMERUN 1891 expressly referred to
this order of cabinet. The crews of HABICHT and HYÄNE
consisted all in all of 240 men, including the following
naval officers, engineers and doctors:
Dresky, von Korvettenkapitän
HABICHT, Kommandant
Krause Kapitänleutnant HABICHT, 1. Offizier
Czech Leutnant zur See HABICHT
Hippel, von Unterleuntnant zur See HABICHT
Frentzel-Beyme, Dr. Marineassistenzarzt 1. Klasse
Wulff Marineunterzahlmeister HABICHT
Breitenstein Obermaschinist HABICHT
Plachte Kapitänleutnant HYÄNE, Kommandant
Krüger Leutnant zur See HYÄNE, 1. Offizier
Hopman Leutnant zur See HYÄNE
Deimling Unterleuntnant zur See HYÄNE
Schacht Marineassistenzarzt 1. Klasse HYÄNE
Gelbricht Marineunterzahlmeister HYÄNE
Nitze Obermaschinist HYÄNE
© A. Schulze Ising, I/00