Class: |
Description: |
Kapitel - Großkreuz
(Committee - Grand Cross) |
Golden Medallion with
golden Crown. Limited to 2 members. Also be worn by
the Grand master of the order (The duke himself) the
Grand Prior (The prince after becoming 18 years of
age). The annual income for those members were 1600
Mark since 1892. Between 1839 and 1918 15
decorations were delivered to the "Ordenskanzlei"
(orders chancellery). |
Kapitel - Großkomthur
(Committee - Grand Commander) |
Golden Medallion with
Silver Crown. Limited to 2 members. The annual
income for those members were 1200 Mark since 1892.
Between 1839 and 1918 5 decorations were delivered
to the "Ordenskanzlei" (orders chancellery). |
Kapitel - Komthur
(Committee - Commander) |
Golden Medallion.
Limited to 4 members. The annual income for those
members were 900 Mark since 1892. Between 1839 and
1918 7 decorations were delivered to the "Ordenskanzlei"
(orders chancellery). |
Kapitel - Ritterkreuz
(Committee - Knight Cross) |
Silver Medallion.
Limited to 8 members. The annual income for those
members were 600 Mark since 1892. Between 1839 and
1918 15 decorations were delivered to the "Ordenskanzlei"
(orders chancellery). Until 1860 this grade was
named "Kapitular - Kleinkreuz (Committee - Small
Cross). The "Ordenssekretär" (Secretary) and the "Ordensrentmeister"
(financial Secretary) were automatically wearing
this grade due to their function. A member in this
grade would receive automatically the knight cross
of the house order, if he wouldn't be a bearer of a
higher grade of the house order. |