Even though I am a serious
collector of Imperial German order decorations, I still
like to point out some facts on the German Eagle Order. This order may be the only
decoration during this period, that gets close to the
marksmanship of decorations of the period before 1918.
Yet a silver gilt made order, it is still of highest
quality and very attractive. It also was awarded to non
Germans only.
Check out those pretty
(click on picture for an enlarged image):

"Deutscher Adler Orden
German Eagle Order
Grand Cross
The star shows the
marks "900" on its needle, the cross "900" on its
click here for the reverse |
"Deutscher Adler Orden
German Eagle Order 1st
Only awarded between
December 27, 1943 to the end.
The latest addition to
the order is quite rare. The Eagles are silver
with a golden rim on cross and star, despite to
being completely gilt as on all other grades.
The star shows the
marks "900 21" on its needle. |

"Verdienstkreuz des
Deutschen Adlerordens mit dem Stern"
Merit Cross of the
German Eagle Order with the Star
This set was only
awarded between May 1, 1937, until April 20, 1939.
The so called 1st
model is extremely rare.
Both pieces are marked
"800", the star also shows the punch mark "Silber" |


to the German Eagle Order 2nd class. Needle with
typical marking "900" "21" |
Order of the German Eagle was a diplomatic and honorary
award given to prominent foreigners, particularly
diplomats, who were considered sympathetic to Nazism.
addition to awards to non-Germans, the Reich Foreign
Minister and the Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia
received a 'Special Degree' (Sonderstufe), with
identical insignia to the Grand Cross of the Order.
Accordingly, Foreign Minister Constantin von
Neurath, received the Special Degree of the Order, with
a further award to Joachim von Ribbentrop on
his appointment as Foreign Minister in 1938
Cross is based on the Maltese Cross with German
Eagles at each corner carrying a swastika. For
military recipients the Order also featured crossed
swords. The cross was suspended from a 46 mm
red ribbon with stripes in black, red and white. The
award, in the first two classes, also came in the form
of a silver or gold eight pointed star, with
corresponding white Maltese Cross and gold eagles
centered. The overall appearance and name of the Order
was an imitation of the Prussian Order of the Black
Eagle and Order of the Red Eagle.
1937 to 1943 the order was presented in six classes:
Cross of the Order of the German Eagle with star (Grosskreuz
des Deutschen Adlerordens)
of the German Eagle with Star (Deutscher Adlerorden
mit Stern)
of the German Eagle 1st Class (Deutscher Adlerorden,
Erste Stufe)
of the German Eagle 2nd Class (Deutscher Adlerorden,
Zweite Stufe)
of the German Eagle 3rd Class (Deutscher Adlerorden,
Dritte Stufe)
Medal of Merit (Deutsche Verdienstmedaille)
unique Grand Cross of the Order of the German Eagle in
Gold with Diamonds (Grosskreuz des Deutschen Adlerordens
in Gold und Brillanten) was also awarded to Benito
Mussolini on 25 September 1937.
27 December 1943 the Order was reorganised into nine
Cross of the Order of the German Eagle in Gold with
Star (Goldenes Grosskreuz des Deutschen Adlerordens)
Cross of the Order of the German Eagle with Star (Grosskreuz
des Deutschen Adlerordens)
of the German Eagle 1st Class (Deutscher Adlerorden,
Erste Stufe)
of the German Eagle 2nd Class (Deutscher Adlerorden,
Zweite Stufe)
of the German Eagle 3rd Class (Deutscher Adlerorden,
Dritte Stufe)
of the German Eagle 4th Class (Deutscher Adlerorden,
Vierte Stufe)
of the German Eagle 5th Class (Deutscher Adlerorden,
Fünfte Stufe)
Medal of Merit (Silberne Verdienstmedaille)
Medal of Merit (Bronzene Verdienstmedaille)
Today's Bundesverdienstorden is certainly
a descendent of the German Eagle Order.
© A.Schulze
Ising, V/03 |